Saturday, July 13, 2013

I had an awesome opportunity to attend the Temple last night. It was so nice to be there with members from my ward. I love going to the Temple and the peace that it brings into my life. I know that the promises made in the Temple and the blessings the flow from upholding those covenants are one of the greatest blessings in my life. I am so blessed to be sealed to my Husband for all Eternity. We will be together forever.

Tonight something awesome happened. I was laying in bed and the baby started to really move. He or She gave some really good kicks that I could see my tummy move when I called for my Husband to come in He could not see the moves but when I had him put his hand on my tummy he could feel them. I love it when you get to that point where others can feel the baby. I love my family so much!!

If you are curious about some of the words I used in the first paragraph I would like to encourage you to go to

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